Registration for Wintersession is fast approaching. RISD has a mini semester between Fall and Spring classes. It's 6 weeks from the beginning of January to the middle of February and functions as a time for students to break free of their area-of-concentration shackles and recharge creative batteries.
We can travel, we can create independent studies, we can do internships. Or we can choose from the roster of classes RISD offers on campus. I have a feeling I'll be staying on campus this year. Exhaling. Rolling in the snow with my dogs.
Top choices (I choose two):
Design for Digitally Printed Fabric
Web Design
Intro to Typography
Intro to Screenprinting
Machine Knitting
The Woven Rug
Fiction into Film
Aren't all rugs woven? Isn't it just "the rug"? Or am I just revealing my ignorance? Maybe I need to take a class...